A friend of Yours...

by - August 01, 2020

So, I would like to begin with a story I once heard by a motivational speaker you all must be familiar with.The story goes like this.

Once upon a time, in a village, there were two best friends. They used to play together, eat together and all sorts of stuff . I know some of you are starting to recognise the story, still.. So, one day while playing, they went a little bit far from the village and suddenly one the friends fell inside the well. The other one started shouting for help but couldn't see anyone. So instead of wasting any more time, he threw the bucket which was tied to the well for drawing water and pulled his best friend out of it. Later when they reached back to their village, the boys told the worried villagers the whole story which the villagers didn't believe. They thought how can a little pull someone more than his weight out of that deep well, true. He couldn't lift a bucket full of water by himself. Then how did he pull his best friend out ?

The answer is, there was no one there, to tell the boy, that he couldn't do it. There was no one to demotivate him or judge him. Same is the case when you have people around you who expect something from you. Suppose you are running in a race, and there are your supporters watching you and cheering you. You would become nervous at some point, because you would be under pressure that would be created by the expectations of your supporters. Your focus will shift from running, towards winning and that's the part where you will fall. If you do something when no one is watching, you do your best, because you know you won't be judged, you won't have to meet any expectations, you run, you dance, you sing, you fall but you don't care because you are being you. Irrespective of impressing someone, you are just being who you are, and doing what you love to.

The sole purpose of this blog was to express my feelings and share my experiences, not thinking about writing content that would attract audience, but to write for my own happiness. And when you do something you love just for the sake that you love it, the results are just undefinable. I just want to leave something good behind, something that would connect us, wherever I am, wherever you are, whatever the month or year it is, when you would read this, you will me sitting beside you narrating my story :)
A Friend of Yours.