it makes sense now...

by - August 02, 2020

So I know, all of you, once in a while feel low. Thinking that everything is falling apart. Worried about your future, your relationship that will it last forever...

There are plenty of things that make you feel worried and make you feel stressed, make you feel worthless maybe. Nothing to lie about that, I know at some point of life you might have felt worthless and that could have happened maybe a long time back or maybe right now. And to get out from it, you need to distract yourself, get motivated, think positive and everything that you would try, listen, read and what not just feel good about yourself.

Now the thing is, where to find that motivation ? I guess listening to some motivational speakers is a good option, reading self help books is another. But what if, even that doesn't work for you. Or maybe you've listened everything, you think you know everything and don't feel like watching or listening all that. At some point of life, all of that feels nothing to you, it doesn't work let's be honest. 
Motivation doesn't come on finding, just like some of the things that just come up randomly from nowhere, when you actually need them the most and are mentally ready to accept them.
For example, let's just make it easy to understand. A boy, let's name him well a popular one, Rahul. His girlfriend Meera just broke up with him. He loved her so much and is crying a lot. At that moment, if you tell him that she isn't going to come, you should move on, you deserve better, you're stronger and what not just to cheer him up. Would that help him ? No. It won't. Because all he wants to listen at that particular moment is about her girl friend coming back to him. But as time passes by and he calms down, he is ready to know what he should do. Where will he find that word of advice at that time ?
See, its not about how people motivate you, what they do to encourage you or what they say. It is about how you react on it. It's all about the internal realisation that comes all of sudden, out of nowhere. Could be a bird putting all its efforts to fly, could be a tree just standing high where it is. It would be You telling yourself at that moment that it takes a lot of time and efforts for that tiny seed to become a huge tall tree, it takes time. And see, you realised it yourself. I didn't tell you any of it. 
Sometimes, when things are getting out of your hand and there is nothing you could do about it, just let it happen. Because one day, when you would be there, the place you've always wanted to be, whatever had happened in the past, things you've been through, things you've done, mistakes you've made, people you've lost, and all of those good bad experiences you have had, that one day, all that would make sense and you will know it by yourself and you will say, that if Meera wouldn't had left Rahul that day, he wouldn't have found such a beautiful and caring girl he's marrying right now.
(P.S. - Rahul is happy now :))