Hey, I am proud of you...

by - October 04, 2022

What is it?

What is it that is keeping you awake at night, stresses you so much that sometimes you feel suffocated?

What is it that makes you feel that you are worthless, in spite of trying so much?

Giving all you could, doing all you can but still… it feels less, incomplete, insufficient and then where does it take you? Self-doubt maybe?

You keep asking yourself the same question every time: “Am I not enough?”, “Am I not made for this?”, “What if I am destined to be a failure?” and so on… These questions may not end now, or maybe they won’t ever end unless you find what you are looking or unless what you are looking for finds you… and until that happens, what would you do?

See, if I say, till the time all the pieces fall into their place, just be patient and wait for the right time, take less stress and enjoy the journey or whatever powerful and motivational words I have in my vocabulary… I think that would be a lie because then you may say, “Well, Aadi! You don’t know what am I going through, you won’t understand unless you walk a mile in my shoes.” And that’s correct, I don’t know what situation you are in, how you feel being in that situation, how much does it weigh on your shoulders. Also being in your situation does not mean I will be able to understand you completely if I was there instead of you… Why? Well because I am a guy used to lift a 100kg, and you are used to lift a 50 so I really can’t understand the pain and pressure you may feel when the weight is moved up to 90. Maybe you will get used to it eventually at a later stage, or maybe you would quit depending on the consequences that may happen or the way you think, so that would be completely unfair to say I completely understand. But then what? How to tackle the stress that you are going through right now? Then I would say, why tackle it?

If you want to feel happy and accomplished, then you should also be okay with feeling sad, wanting to cry, feel defeated sometimes, maybe angry, anxious… because I am not someone to take the emotions out of you because these are emotions that makes us, us. Makes us who we are, different from others, different from machines… So, do you want to be empty? If everyone will be empty, how will the world survive?

So what to do when things go sideways? You tell me? What you do when things go your way? Whatever situation you are in today, will definitely pass… and there is no “may” to it because it will and new circumstances will arise so just stop for a moment, stop all your work right away, take a deep breath… and while inhaling or exhaling you don’t need to think anything or do complicated imaginations of taking in positivity and exhaling negativity, just a simple deep breath, to make you realize that you are present, present in this moment. And when you have done that, just smile to yourself and say, “Hey, you’ve done great till now, I am proud of you…” because things will come your way, if ups, then downs too and all of the time, all of the life, you will be only one standing beside you. So if you are not proud of that person, if you don’t appreciate that person, if you don’t encourage that person who has been with you all this time and will be there forever… I don’t know then… you may lose him too and I don’t want you to lose him…. So just tell him you are proud of him and love him!


  1. I read through it, and I travelled through it. I revisited my old self, and in the reflection of this piece I see my present, and your past. And I'm proud of you. I hope I'll be able to make you feel the same way about me.
