HOME SWEET HOME (Part II: The Normal Weekend)

by - August 12, 2023

So a distant voice reached my ears. At first I could not understand what it said because I was in half sleep. Tried to concentrate on my sleep but the voice became louder until it was clear enough... "WAKE UP BETA, PAPA IS ABOUT LEAVE... DON'T YOU WANNA HAVE TEA WITH HIM TODAY?", my mom said in a loud voice as she half entered the room. Here I was still in half sleep trying to gather all my senses. With half open eyes and a blurry vision, I looked up to that orange round clock on the wall.... no.. still not visible... rubbed my eyes and tried to have a better look.. it was around 8:45.... 7:45.... yeah its 8:45 AM.... I woke up and put my left foot in my slipper and... the right one(the slipper) was missing... "COME ON NOW.. WHERE DID IT GO!!!", I mumbled to myself... walking with one slipper on in the whole room.. "OKAY! GOT IT!".... it was near the door. So, I walked towards the hall room like a zombie... with no strength at all.. well I slept pretty late as compared to them.... My father was sitting there, with his glasses on, a cup of tea in one hand and his mobile phone in the other.... might be scrolling through all the messages in our family Whatsapp group. As soon as he saw me, he locked the phone and put it down on the table and looked at me.. smiled... "BETA, YOU'RE AWAKE. CHALO LET'S GO TO THE STORE(our shop) TOGETHER.", he said. "COME ON PAPA, I BARELY MADE IT THROUGH THE WEEK, LET ME JUST REST... OR I'LL EXPLODE.", I replied while putting away the things on the sofa to clear some space for me to sit. "WHY ARE YOU SITTING NOW? HAVE YOU BRUSHED YOUR TEETH? THE TEA WILL GET COLD.", said my mom looking at me from the kitchen. I was looking at her and I was like... no one lets me sit in peace for a while. Again, dragged myself to the basin and started to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized WHAT THE HELL I was looking like... I looked completely messed up.. so I washed my face, un-messed my hair and again went in the hall and sat on the sofa again... my father was again busy with his phone, my mom was in the kitchen still doing something and my sister probably left for school... my mom came out from the kitchen with a cup of boiling hot tea and kept it on the table for me and then she sat next to me. "So, do you have to go somewhere today?", she asked. "I don't know. I will just relax today, watch something, sleep more.." I explained in a tired voice while yawning. "Take me to Masi's home then. She asked us to visit, you can rest there as well.", she said. I nodded and I was like yeah, we'll see. So after some chit chat and everything... my father left for his work and I had finished my tea. My mom was in the kitchen cleaning up things... and everything was going okayish.....

Well, then comes the afternoon, and my mom finally convinced me to go to Masi's home. "I wanted to be home today." I said to myself with disappointment while leaving. We finally left home at around 2 PM and the weather was okay... it was a little bit cloudy so at least I was saved from the harsh sunlight while driving my scooter in the middle of the afternoon. We reached there after a 15-20 min drive and were in front of her home. I parked my scooter near the gate and were about to enter the house. "Why have you made such an expression?", my mom asked while looking at my face. I had a kind of frustrated, tired expression. "Its nothing.. lets get inside.", I replied as we entered in. Masi was so happy to see us and welcomed us with a smile. "You came after so long beta.", she said as I touched her feet and she hugged me. I didn't say much and just smiled back at her. We sat there together, all three of us while having rooh-afzah and some snacks while talking about all the daily stuff... "How's office beta?", Masi asked. "It is okay... going good.", I replied with the usual answer. "If you are tired you can go and sleep in the other room.", said my mom while explaining Masi the look on my face. "He slept late and woke up early.", she added. So without much argument, I went in the other room. Sat on the bed. I was talking to myself and was getting even more irritated. "HOW CAN I REST HERE! I WANNA GO HOME... CHANGE INTO SOMETHING MORE COMFORTABLE... LIE-DOWN ON MY COUCH... WATCH TV... TALK TO MY MOM ABOUT MY WHOLE WEEK AT WORK... BUT NO... HERE I AM..", I was shouting in my mind while scrolling on my FB feed inattentively. 

I don't remember much what happened after that but after few hours my mom came in the room and she told me that we were heading home. It was already around 5:30 PM and it felt like half of my day was wasted and I had done nothing, though the goal was to do nothing but according to my way. It felt like the day was passing so quickly that I was feeling that this day is turning to be complete waste and Sunday was halfway there. We finally reached home near the society's entrance when mom remembered something. "I FORGOT TO BUY LEMONS FOR THE SALAD!", she said. "WHY COULDN'T YOU REMEMBER IT EARLIER YAAR, WE JUST GOT HOME AND NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME I HAVE TO GO AGAIN!!!", I said like I had almost lost it. I dropped her near our building and drove as fast as I could with hundreds of things running in my mind. I was so irritated and exhausted. I finally bought the lemons and reached home as fast as I could. It felt like I was about to burst with all the frustration building up inside me. The door was open when I reached home. I entered and saw my mom sitting on the chair next to the table. I closed the door so hard behind me and walked towards my mom and handed the polybag. "TAKE IT! AND CAN I SIT PEACEFULLY NOW OR DO YOU WANT ME TO GET SOMETHING ELSE FOR YOU?", I said in a loud and harsh tone. I was standing there and my mom was looking at me and she was in a shock with the way I spoke. My sister came out from another room to see what happened and stood far away looking at both of us quietly. "What happened beta why are you shouting? I only ask you to do something on the weekends, the rest of the week you are busy and I have no one to take help from.", she explained while trying to calm me down. "YOU ONLY ASK ME TO DO SOMETHING ON THE WEEKENDS YOU SAY. WHY DON'T YOU LET ME HAVE SOME PEACE ON THE WEEKEND? WHY DON'T YOU SIT WITH ME AND TALK TO ME ABOUT MY WHOLE WEEK? WHY DON'T YOU ASK ME WHAT HAPPENED AT WORK? WHY DON'T WE SIT TOGETHER AND HAVE A LAUGH TOGETHER OR WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER AT HOME? WHY DON'T YOU KNOW HOW EXHAUSTED I FEEL? WHY DON'T YOU KNOW HOW DEFEATED I FEEL AT TIMES....? I FEEL YOU KNOW NOTHING AT ALL. THE THINGS THAT BOTHER ME, THE PRESSURE I FEEL, THE THINGS GOING IN MY MIND, THE THOUGHTS THAT DON'T LET ME SLEEP AT NIGHT... YOU KNOW NOTHING. AND THE WORST PART IS YOU DON'T EVEN ASK MUCH..." I paused as I started losing my breath. "I WAS BETTER OFF BACK IN DELHI!" I added while trying to catch my breath. I could see my mom's eyes getting teary with my last sentence. "I was better off... in... Delhi?", I said again softly with eyes getting filled with tears. I was losing my breath even more... "Delhi....? I was in Delhi..." "Oh shit shit shit.... oh shit.... no... NO... DON'T WAKE UP... DON'T WAKE UP... DON'T WAKE UP.....", I was shouting but the voice was not coming out from my mouth. And.... and a heavy inhale... a tear slid down from the side of my right eye.

I was in my room.

On the same mattress I slept on last night. 

Glaring at the ceiling. 

The fan was off. I think there was no electricity. 

I did not remember what I saw in my dream, it was all in fragments.

All I remembered was that I was at my home. 

And I yelled at my mom because of something....

but for what.... I did not remember.

I don't know why would I do that.

I already miss her... I miss home...

Photo by Aadi Arora


  1. Fabulous..Absolutely relatable..Keep up the good work..Champ..!!🥺❤️

  2. What should I say about this! I've no words bro! Keep going.. but don't forget to take rest when it's needed. Keep writing.. unclose your untold experiences, so we can get some motivation from you..❤️

    1. Thanks a lot ❤️ I am happy that you find it this way. Means a lot :)

  3. I can understand the feel. 🥺

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much 🥹❤️ Feels great coming from you :)
